Sunday, February 25, 2007

A Lot has Happened

Well, I found out I can try to buy a house. I get Social Security back pay. So if the bank gives me a loan, then I'm set for life. I can't really believe it. But I had an appointment with S.S. on the phone, they asked me a few questions, after swearing me in under oath (so surreal) and he said I qualified for 13 years of back pay. It's amazing.
How I qualified? 13 years ago, at the age of 21, I was in the hospital diagnosed with bipolar disorder. After they drugged me enough to be able to realease me as "stable", they couldn't let me out without a place to live, so they had to apply, on my behalf, for Social Security so they could put me in a half-way house for other crazy gals like me. So, I was approved quickly (most people apply on their own, and have to wait to get approved, maybe get a lawyer who eventually takes a few grand of their few-months-to-a-few-years back pay for the honor). Well, come to find out, I should've been put on Child's Benefits, not Social Security Income (SSI), because my dad died before I was 18, he had paid into Social Security (ie, worked) and I became disabled and applied for Social Security before the age of 22. So I get double the money a month, and 13 years back pay! Thank God someone at Social Security looked into it.
I don't want to blow my money, so I'm buying a house. But I can't get married (that would take out my benefits), so Seth might not be able to buy the house with me-he might not be able to be included in getting approved for a loan, and if that's the case, I can't get a loan without his income being included. But, maybe I could find a small house in the middle of nowhere and be able to buy it flat/or be approved by my only monthy Child Benifit income. We'll have to wait and see. Tomorrow, I'm going to S.S. to give them my birth certificate and my dad's s.s. #, and then I'll probably get the money very soon. (S.S. doesn't fuck around, once everything is right, they are very dependable--if George Bush would've had his way and privatized S.S., I'm sure I wouldn't be able to say that with confidence). Anyway, pretty life-altering events here in the life of one small speck of existence. I pray to God I don't do anything monumentally stupid (like not buy a place to live) or get ripped off to badly (like I couldn't buy a place to live, 'cause someone cleaned me out).
I also pray for all the orphans in the world, physically and metaphorically, that God blesses them. Praise be to God. Amen!

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