Monday, February 26, 2007

This sucks, pt. 1,000,003

Had another shitty day, at the end of a shitty day. I'm sick of shitty days. Again. You walk out the door, like other shitty days, and when you come home it's still shitty, again. How many times must we act like we care for the other, when we're number one. How can we see, but love was just a dream. A sickening, shitty dream.
Another shitty post, like all other shitty posts. A shitty rhyme to say this is shitty today. Another time to let, all others not forget, that shittiness in rife all life-long. So how to proceed, when we only need, a way to get past this pain right now. How do I do all the things I'm told I should, when it's just another shitty day.
Yet again, this is shitty. And life isn't witty, it's just trying to pass the time away. I'll say once again, boy, is this shitty, just so you know I wasn't kidding.
So Goodbye, once again, to a post without a friend. I'll let you know when it gets shitty again.

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